The Fairfield Women's Exchange distributes Grants to local Non-Profit organizations supporting Women and Children in Fairfield County.
If you wish to be considered for a Grant, please complete the following and return to the Fairfield Women's Exchange.
Name of Organization:
Contact Person:
What is your organization's Mission:
Name of Project to be Funded:
Goals of Project:
Who will Benefit and How?
Where and when will the Project Take Place?
Duration/Cost/Budget of Project?
Amount of Grant Requested?
Sources and Amounts of Private Funding (past 3 Years)?
Agency Financials:
How Do You Evaluate the Success of the Project? (Please include printed materials promoting your agency)
For consideration for your request, please provide all required information by 8/1/2024 to:
Fairfield Women's Exchange c/o Gifts Committee 332 Pequot Avenue, Southport, CT 06890